10ft 3 Metre Regency Twin Pedestal Mahogany Extending Dining Table
£ 2400
Large mahogany Regency revival twin pedestal dining table with D shaped ends and three extension leaves to vary size to seat 6 to 14 people comfortably. Standing on tuned columns supported by sabre legs terminating in brass toe casters. Currently with mature finish. Our French polishers can provide a stunning finish exactly as you require included in the price. Over 100 sets of suitable antique dining chairs in stock to match. Measures 120" long x 44" wide.
NB: Not to be mistaken with the cheaply made plywood fakes on sale all over Ebay and other amateur 'antique' websites selling Regency 'style' tables.
Circa: Eraly 1900s
Stock Code: E2230
Tel: 01234 713758